Meet the Neti Pot — An Over-the-Counter Help for Sinus Infections
You can feel a sinus infection as soon as it hits … pressure, discomfort and misery. Even thinking about one might make your teeth ache. Treatments for sinus infections range from antibiotics to surgery. But now there is also a traditional remedy that’s getting more attention after recent research shows it to have promise ……
At-Home Treatments for Nasal Congestion
A stuffy nose is an annoying, distracting, and very common problem. Most of us get an occasional stuffy nose from viral infections (such as a cold), from allergies, or as a side-effect of pregnancy. Inflammation and swelling inside the nose make you feel stuffed up and uncomfortable. Mucus and drainage may also join the party….
Don’t Wait To Have Your Congestion Checked Out
“Why didn’t I do this years ago?” is a common statement our patients make after their sinus and congestion problems are resolved. Many people simply live with their nasal blockages because they think it’s a reoccurring cold or they can ‘just tough it out’ until it goes away. It’s true, some people do have the…