At some point living in Utah, you or someone you know will experience the uncomfortable symptoms of allergies. Allergy season in Utah can start as early as February and will last until the first hard freeze. Allergy symptoms are also fairly predictable. For example, in March, many people start having watering eyes, running noses and fits of sneezing because of the early Spring bloom. Symptoms come and go as new allergens fly through the air during the Summer and Fall.
Utah has a variety of pollen-producing plants including many trees, grasses and weeds that can make life very uncomfortable. Although not seasonal, pet dander, indoor dust and mites and can also cause havoc on the sinuses.
How do you know if you are allergic to something like pollen or pets? As opposed to a cold which generally has symptoms that start and stop (fever, headache and body aches lasting a week or so), allergies are triggered by exposure to the allergen with symptoms lasting as long as you are in contact with the allergen.
If your itchy watery eyes and stuffy or runny nose lasts longer than two weeks, itβs time to meet our allergy professionals at South Valley Ear Nose & Throat. The allergy staff will check things out to discover what you are allergic to and provide the appropriate treatment plan so you can enjoy the great outdoors (and indoors) once again.
An allergy check couldn’t be easier:
- Call South Valley ENT and get an appointment
- Before your appointment, write down all known symptoms and triggers
- Come get tested
- Get your results and start a treatment plan
- Breathe a huge sigh of relief and enjoy life!