What to do with Chronic Sore Throats
A sore throat is painful, takes days go away and can be expensive because of lost work, medication purchases and doctor visits. Repeat sore throats are even more of a nuisance. If you are experiencing chronic sore throats (more than five or six times a year), you may want to have your tonsils checked for…
Physicians Featured on Fox 13
Fox 13 recently highlighted South Valley Ear Nose & Throat physicians and clinic services during their Healthfix segment. Doctors Gilbert, Peterson and Anderson went to the Utah studio and were interviewed by broadcasters about a variety of common ear, nose and throat issues. “There are many people who suffer needlessly with throat and sinus pain…
Stay Healthy During the Long Winter Months
Snow is ready to fly once again in Utah and that means many of us will spend more time indoors. Unfortunately, being inside close to others can increase chances of catching a virus or bacterial infection. Colds happen after we come in contact with contaminated surfaces, such as a computer keyboard or mouse, utensil, doorknob…